A Sensual Portrait Session with Paulina
portrait, nudes Martin Krystynek portrait, nudes Martin Krystynek

A Sensual Portrait Session with Paulina

Some photoshoots transcend the ordinary, becoming a dialogue between light, emotions, and raw beauty. That’s exactly what happened during this exclusive session with Paulina, an international model with an extraordinary presence—gracing the pages of Playboy five times.

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Svadba & Emócie: Zachytenie okamihov, ktoré pretrvajú navždy
wedding, weddings Martin Krystynek wedding, weddings Martin Krystynek

Svadba & Emócie: Zachytenie okamihov, ktoré pretrvajú navždy

Svadba je jedinečný deň, ktorý sa nedá zopakovať. Je to okamih plný lásky, radosti, dojatia a nefalšovaných emócií – momenty, ktoré si zaslúžia byť zachytené v tej najčistejšej podobe.

Ako fotograf som mal možnosť vidieť nespočetné množstvo svadobných príbehov – od intímnych obradov v prírode až po veľkolepé slávnosti na tých najkrajších miestach. Každá svadba je unikátna, no jedno majú všetky spoločné – skutočné emócie, ktoré robia tieto chvíle neopakovateľnými.

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workshop Martin Krystynek workshop Martin Krystynek


Tento exkluzívny workshop je ideálny pre všetkých fotografov, ktorí chcú zdokonaliť prácu so svetlom, tieňom a atmosférou a naučiť sa, ako aj s jednoduchými prostriedkami dosiahnuť silný vizuálny efekt.

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Workshop v Photo Studio Zweng bol skvelý!
workshop Martin Krystynek workshop Martin Krystynek

Workshop v Photo Studio Zweng bol skvelý!

Začiatkom roka som v Photo Studio Zweng v Bratislave organizoval workshop zameraný na (senzuálnu aktovú fotografiu / portrétnu fotografiu v ateliéri). Bol to intenzívny deň plný inšpirácie, svetla a tvorivosti. Ďakujem všetkým účastníkom, ktorí prišli a vytvorili skvelú atmosféru!

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Black & White Session with Nicole
portrait Martin Krystynek portrait Martin Krystynek

Black & White Session with Nicole

From dramatic shadow play to soft, natural expressions, Nicole effortlessly moved through the session, bringing each frame to life with her grace and confidence. The simplicity of monochrome highlighted every detail—the way the light kissed her face, the depth in her eyes, and the raw elegance of movement.

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A Memorable Judging Experience in Kiel
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

A Memorable Judging Experience in Kiel

The Federation of European Professional Photographers convened in Kiel, Germany, this November for its 46th QEP/MQEP judging session, an event filled with anticipation, creativity, and camaraderie. As a judge for QEP, MQEP, EV, and QEV qualifications, I was honored to participate in this prestigious gathering, where talented photographers and videographers showcased their exceptional work.

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Individual Workshop
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Individual Workshop

Minulý víkend som mal príležitosť viesť individuálny workshop, ktorý sa ukázal ako jedinečný a nesmierne obohacujúci. Na workshope sme mali viacero modeliek, no len jedného fotografa – pričom ja som zastával úlohu lektora. Tento prístup umožnil maximálne sa sústrediť na prácu s každou modelkou individuálne a aplikovať teóriu svetla na rôznorodé typy osvetlenia, tváre a pózy.

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Beijing International Photography Week 2024
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Beijing International Photography Week 2024

On October 19, 2024, the 5th "View & Appreciate" exhibition, organized by Shangtufang, debuted at Beijing International Photography Week 2024. The event, held at the China Millennium Monument, featured photography works from the heads of organizations from ten European countries. This collaborative exhibition highlighted cross-cultural dialogue between China and the West through the medium of photography, showcasing unique artistic expressions and contemporary perspectives.

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HK Poprad Fan Shop
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

HK Poprad Fan Shop

"Show your true colors with HK Poprad fan gear! In this dynamic photoshoot, we highlighted the passion and pride of the fans, capturing the essence of the Kamzíci spirit. Whether you're repping the classic blue and white or standing out in bold new designs, each piece of merchandise is designed to make you feel part of the team. Celebrate your love for hockey and Poprad in style!"

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Vacation in Tenerife
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Vacation in Tenerife

Our long-awaited vacation in Tenerife was truly a dream come true. After years of constant work without any real chance to take a well-deserved break, I finally decided to set off for a place I had only quietly admired in photographs until now – Tenerife. Honestly, I was a bit worried about the weather as I set out. I wasn't sure what to expect from this place, especially after such a long break from any type of holiday.

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Self-Love: Embrace Your True Beauty
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Self-Love: Embrace Your True Beauty

In a world where perfection is often idolized, it's crucial to remember the beauty of self-love. To truly embrace who we are, we need to accept ourselves without hesitation—without comparison, without judgment, without feeling less than. Self-love is about seeing the value in yourself, celebrating your strengths, and accepting your imperfections. Every curve, every smile, every unique feature is a part of what makes you beautiful.

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Pure Elegance: Nikola Against a White Backdrop with the Leica SL2
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Pure Elegance: Nikola Against a White Backdrop with the Leica SL2

Today’s shoot with Nikola was all about simplicity and elegance. With a clean white background, the focus shifted entirely to her striking poses and expressions. The white backdrop allowed each subtle detail and emotion to take center stage, creating a minimalist yet powerful aesthetic.

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Autumn Wedding in the High Tatras: Capturing Love Amidst Mountains and Colors
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Autumn Wedding in the High Tatras: Capturing Love Amidst Mountains and Colors

Recently, I had the honor of capturing Adam and Miroslava’s beautiful wedding portraits in the enchanting High Tatras. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect – autumn had just begun to paint the landscape with rich, warm colors, while the mountain peaks were dusted with the first snow of the season. It was a dreamlike setting, combining nature’s beauty with the joy and love of a newlywed couple.

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Fotografický Workshop v štúdiu Zweng – Tajomstvá Portrétnej Fotografie
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Fotografický Workshop v štúdiu Zweng – Tajomstvá Portrétnej Fotografie

Nedávno som mal tú česť viesť výnimočný fotografický workshop v Bratislave, ktorý sa konal v skvelých priestoroch štúdia Zweng. V spolupráci s týmto profesionálnym štúdiom sme vytvorili inšpiratívne prostredie pre všetkých zúčastnených. Ako najmladší držiteľ prestížneho titulu Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP) a prezident Asociácie profesionálnych fotografov Slovenskej republiky (APFSR), bolo pre mňa potešením podeliť sa o svoje skúsenosti s portrétnou fotografiou a umeleckou fotografiou.

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Capturing Fashion with Viki
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Capturing Fashion with Viki

In the world of fashion photography, elegance and precision are two elements that can transform a simple image into a timeless piece of art. Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to capture this essence with the remarkable @viki_soskova. Her poise, energy, and natural grace brought a unique flair to every frame, turning each shot into a story of its own. Together, we created a series that celebrates movement, expression, and exquisite detail.

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Capturing Authentic Business Portraits for dpMarketing: A Fresh Approach
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Capturing Authentic Business Portraits for dpMarketing: A Fresh Approach

In a world where business photos are often staged and overly polished, dpMarketing and I aimed for something different. Instead of classic corporate headshots, we wanted to capture the team in a natural, relaxed environment. The goal was to showcase the people behind the brand, focusing on authenticity and real moments rather than stiff poses

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Post-Wedding Photography: A Stress-Free, Creative Experience
Martin Krystynek Martin Krystynek

Post-Wedding Photography: A Stress-Free, Creative Experience

Recently, I had the pleasure of teaming up with my colleague @python9320 for a post-wedding shoot that gave the couple a chance to relive their special day without the rush and pressure of the actual wedding. This session allowed us to capture beautiful moments in stunning locations that wouldn’t have been possible on the wedding day itself.

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